Cielo Glowing Stars


75 small glow-in-the-dark Stars & 1 small moon

SKU: 0075 Category:


The unique Cielo glow-in-the-dark stars bring the magic of the clear starry sky into the bedroom for children and adults.

Remove the star and moon from the foil and press the self-adhesive side firmly against the ceiling. The surface to be applied should be free of grease and dust.

Exposing the Cielo glow-in-the-dark stars to bright daylight or artificial light for about 1 minute shortly before going to bed will cause them to glow for about 2 hours each time. This makes going to bed a pleasure again and again.

Cielo light stars do not lose their wonderful afterglow effect even after many years.

Cielo light stars are free of plasticizers. No phosphorus – no radioactivity